
Kris Li
Kris Li




翠玉瓜  約半個
紅蘿蔔  一條
餃子皮  半斤

糖  適量
海鹽  適量
油  適量


  1. 將翠玉瓜及紅蘿蔔去皮,切成細絲,備用;
  2. 將清水煮沸,放入兩種蔬菜絲,焯水約三至五分鐘,撈起,吸乾水分備用;
  3. 熱鍋下油,將蔬菜絲倒入鍋中翻炒,加入鹽及適量糖調味,盛起備用;
  4. 將蔬菜絲放入餃子皮中,在餃子皮邊上沾點水,按自己喜歡的方式包好;
  5. 在蒸鍋中放入包好的餃子,水煮滾後蒸約十分鐘,即可享用(可淋上醋或搭配辣椒醬食用)。


Steamed Vegetable Dumplings

Ingredients (serves 1):
Approx. 1/2 zucchini
1 carrot
1/2 catty dumpling wrappers
 (depending on how many dumplings you prepare)

A pinch of sugar
A pinch of sea salt
A drizzle of oil


  1. Peel and finely shred the zucchini and carrot. Set aside.
  2. Bring a pot of water to the boil. Add the shredded vegetables. Blanch for around 3-5 minutes. Use a strainer to remove the vegetables from water and wipe dry.
  3. Heat a frying pan and add a drizzle of oil. Stir fry the shredded vegetables. Season with salt and sugar. Transfer to a bowl.
  4. Place a little bit of shredded vegetables in the middle of a dumpling wrapper. Dampen the edges with water. Wrap the dumpling in your preferred way.
  5. Put the dumplings in a steamer. When the water starts to boil, steam the dumplings for around 10 minutes. Ready to serve (you may serve with vinegar or chilli sauce).